Though hair re-growth of any individual depends on his/her particular conditions, and the patients can ask this question during their consultation process with the hair transplant surgeon. Make sure that you have opted for the right hair transplant clinic and surgeon because it will play a significant role in the recovery process of your hair transplantation. The hair grafts go through a bit of adjustment phase after undergoing hair transplantation. For the transplanted hair growth to be effective and satisfying, you'll require to follow the pre and post surgery instructions carefully, as prescribed by your doctor. Initial Stage Between three and five weeks post-surgery, the implanted hairs will fall out and it is known as the 'ugly duckling phase'. It is the hair that falls out and not the follicle, and the new permanent hair growth will start taking place after that. This shedding of hairs is the part of hair re-growth...
How long does it take to show the results after Hair Transplant?